Life Mastery Self Hypnosis Certification Course What could you accomplish if you learned to master your mind, emotions, and actions ? Isn't it time for you to be the one who is control of your life instead of circumstances, people, and things ? If you were to access more of your potential, where would your success lead you; your health, money, finding fulfillment in your relationships or career? You want more, but how to get it......by mastering your own mind. This is your opportunity to enter an exciting and very new phase. So you can stop trembling, and celebrate instead! I am excited to have you be a part of this intensive workshop and look forward to helping you be, the one in control of your life instead of circumstances, people and things easily and effortlessly. CANDACE L. CHRONISTER, CH, Certified Hypnotist, AND Certified Self Hypnosis Instructor, will teach you the valuable tools of self-hypnosis and how you can use them to improve the quality of your life.
Release The Weight and Reveal The Inner God/GoddessPermanent weight loss, or ‘weight release’, can be difficult to achieve on your own. Diets don’t work! You know I am right. Sure, they work for a while. And then, one day you find yourself right back where you were. Unless you change your thoughts/beliefs and re-program those pathways in a positive beneficial pattern you will return to your old self. Your subconscious mind will react like a boomerang until you begin to think in new ways. Hypnosis will help you change your mind. Being skilled in the processes of the mind I can help you work with your natural rhythm of change and the timeline it takes for you stop bad habits and for new positive healthy habits to become automatic (like brushing your teeth). There are many factors that can affect your weight. It can be compared to peeling away the layers of an onion. But it all comes down to Loving Your Self enough to learn why you eat, what you eat, when you eat, how you eat and how you burn your calories. Notice the term, ‘weight release’. When we lose things we have a tendency to look for them. When we ‘release’ something it no longer has any control over us. We are not losers, we are designed to be Winners! My goal, throughout the weight release program, is to help you release the ideas that are keeping the weight on you. Attacking it physically, emotionally, and mentally together we build a strong foundation to keep you achieving more and working less. During my “Weight Release” program you will begin to experience many positive healthy changes in your life. In my experience, the weight people carry inside will manifest outside. You are actually starving from an emotional need that you are not nourishing. You will learn how to take control of your life and reap the benefits of being a thinner, healthier, more positive you! The entire premise of the program is to help you change your relationship with food, exercise, and you on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. There is no way around it, you must eat right, you must exercise, and develop a new mindset to create a new lifestyle that will reveal the inner God/Goddess and benefit you from now on. With hypnosis you will gain the discipline that has been missing all these years to take control of what’s been eating away your brilliance. Changing your life isn’t easy, when you start from the inside out it can be less effort and more effective at creating a new lifestyle that actually models the new You! Don’t wait another day. Take ACTION and honor yourself now! Call (870)919-2747 now to set your Complimentary Discovery Session ( Value $197) and learn to Begin with the End in mind. Hypnosis is a process you can use to change your life! When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself, I am ready to help guide you using Hypnosis to make that change happen today. Reasons to Release Weight: Reduce risk of heart disease Add your own reason and then… Begin With The END In Mind. |