Resolutions; Curse or Opportunity?
Does it seem that you've been running around in circles trying to get something accomplished? Or maybe you feel like you've been running in place getting nowhere. Whichever description fits,
you are most likely frustrated about it.
So how can you get ahead with an exasperating problem?
Maybe you can't. Not yet at least. Instead of driving yourself and more than likely
your loved ones crazy, trying to resolve all of your New Year Resolutions at once
STOP and RETHINK your Resolutions.
If you are feeling more frustrated, angrier, and more restless about your resolutions, GOOD.
These feelings can provide the energy necessary to make things happen, in terms of productivity,
entrepreneurship, creativity and invention. This is the bright side, you are being provided with an
opportunity for constructive change, the chance to correct things and get it right.
If you were happy all of the time, you might get too comfortable, too complacent
with the way things are, and not want to change anything. For example,
if people had been happy having to light their homes with candles
we wouldn't have needed Thomas Edison to come along and invent the light bulb.
What determines whether Resolutions represent an opportunity or a curse
is not the Resolution itself, but rather what you do as a result
of making the commitment to the Resolution.
Our nervous system communicates with us through emotions, not words. By having a range of emotions; ( joy, anger, fear, sadness, etc.) our nervous system is capable of sending us a variety of messages. These messages, via our emotions, call us to action. Reaching our resolutions takes a lot of energy. There is also a specific amount of time before they become an automatic response, (without us having to consciously think about them day and night). Thanks to Thomas Edison and his frustration with lighting candles every time he entered a room, we don't have to consciously think about flipping a light switch, to turn on a light bulb each time we enter a dark room. It has become an automatic response!
Being a Certified Hypnotist means my expertise and skills pertain to the laws of the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind runs (80-90%) of our life without us having to consciously think about it. How long does it take for a Resolution to become an automatic response? On average it will take 91 days of consistent effort to reach 1 of our resolutions. With the use of hypnosis the amount of time it takes to integrate the actions necessary to reach our resolutions, can be drastically reduced. As always, I am here to support you in Reaching your Resolutions and turning them into your desired and deserved END Results. Call me today for a Complimentary Consultation on turning your New Year Resolutions from curse to OPPORTUNITY. (870)919-2747
Plan Of Action
- Rethink your resolutions. Listen to the messages your emotions are sending you.
- Use that energy to re-energize your resolutions and your commitment. Therefore embrace the tension, it means your stepping out of your comfort zone and making the changes necessary to reach your resolutions.
- Remember it will take 91 days of consistent effort to reach one of your resolutions, however Hypnosis can drastically reduce this amount of time.